DFID's response to coverage of maternal health figures
Today, Tuesday 30 October, there has been newspaper coverage of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact’s (ICAI) report on DFID’s maternal health programmes. This is DFID's response.
Today, Tuesday 30 October, there has been newspaper coverage of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact’s (ICAI) report on DFID’s maternal health programmes. This is DFID's response.
Today (Sunday 16 Sept), the Mail on Sunday has published an article referencing DFID's work: "A very bitter pill for UK taxpayers to swallow: Britain funds £45 million family planning programme in Tanzania and still they won't tell us if £125m …
...from life-threatening severe acute malnutrition reach 120,000 people with targeted food assistance help more than 800,000 couples to use modern methods of family planning over the next three years The...
LBC Radio presenter Nick Ferrari criticised the government for spending aid money on family planning programmes in Malawi. This is why spending money on family planning in developing countries benefits us all, including the UK.