We cannot achieve great change if women are held back
We cannot achieve great change – either socially or economically – if half of the world’s population is not empowered to reach their full potential.
We cannot achieve great change – either socially or economically – if half of the world’s population is not empowered to reach their full potential.
This article by International Development Secretary Alok Sharma appeared in City A.M. on Friday 27 September 2019.
The Telegraph has published an article today following an interview with the International Development Secretary Alok Sharma on his first visit to Ethiopia.
Today ICAI published a report looking at CDC's investments in low-income and fragile states. Find out how the UK's development finance institution is helping boost economic growth in developing countries.
...Director Christine Lagarde, which discussed the threat of corruption to global development. The Guardian ran a piece on corruption today which featured quotes from both Ms Mordaunt and Ms Lagarde....