Visit Rwanda’s sponsorship of Arsenal FC
Today, The Sun has reported on the sponsorship of Arsenal FC by Visit Rwanda. The piece implies that aid money is being used for the sponsorship deal. This is not...
Today, The Sun has reported on the sponsorship of Arsenal FC by Visit Rwanda. The piece implies that aid money is being used for the sponsorship deal. This is not...
Today’s Mail on Sunday and MailOnline claims to have uncovered corruption, fraud and sexual exploitation of refugees in Uganda. An investigation into these allegations last year resulted in all payments to the humanitarian response in Uganda being suspended as soon as …
UK aid to Rwanda has been carefully and specifically earmarked for programmes that will support the country’s most vulnerable people and help it stand on its own two feet. UK aid is not used for sponsorship deals with Arsenal FC and DFID is not giving any money to Visit Rwanda or the Rwanda Development Board.
The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting this week is the biggest summit the UK has ever hosted, bringing together leaders, foreign ministers business and civil society from across the Commonwealth to address some of the most pressing development challenges of …
Last night’s BBC News at 10, this morning’s Radio Four Today Programme and BBC News Online are reporting on the escalating violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)....
...countries. Minister for Africa, Harriett Baldwin said: “The UK Government has a zero tolerance approach to corruption and today’s landmark judgment means this money can be used to help the...
There is media coverage today following the International Development Secretary’s first official visit to Kenya, where she saw how UK aid was first on the scene when the region suffered a devastating drought last year – but also saw the potential for technology and innovation to deliver aid in new ways.
...from life-threatening severe acute malnutrition reach 120,000 people with targeted food assistance help more than 800,000 couples to use modern methods of family planning over the next three years The... Uganda. This programme aims to improve the treatment of and attitudes towards LGBT people. More widely the UK government has supported the removal of the draconian Ugandan legislation towards...
LBC Radio presenter Nick Ferrari criticised the government for spending aid money on family planning programmes in Malawi. This is why spending money on family planning in developing countries benefits us all, including the UK.