The International Development Committee (IDC) published its report into monsoon preparedness in Cox’s Bazar, where almost a million persecuted Rohingya people are living in the fragile and cramped camps. This has been reported in the Mirror.
Penny Mordaunt wrote a powerful piece laying out the case for UK aid in The Daily Express today. The International Development Secretary argued “Britain has a moral responsibility to help lift people less fortunate out of poverty”. But she also highlighted how UK aid’s work was making the UK itself “more secure and prosperous”.
Penny Mordaunt's joint visit to the University of Edinburgh with Bill Gates received wide spread coverage over the weekend.
There is media coverage today following the International Development Secretary’s first official visit to Kenya, where she saw how UK aid was first on the scene when the region suffered a devastating drought last year – but also saw the potential for technology and innovation to deliver aid in new ways.
There has been media coverage of an innovative UK aid programme in Lebanon which is giving a vital lifeline to Syrian refugees through small cash transfers.
The BBC ran a full day of live radio and TV coverage on from Cox’s Bazar on Monday 15 January.
There is widespread media coverage this morning of the International Development Secretary’s five pledges for UK aid that will show taxpayers their money is not only spent well – it cannot be better spent.
Britain is a development superpower. The work we do - the breadth, depth and quality of it, the soft power we wield and the contribution we make to the health, wealth and prosperity of the UK and the world - should be a source of uncontroversial national pride.
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LBC Radio presenter Nick Ferrari criticised the government for spending aid money on family planning programmes in Malawi. This is why spending money on family planning in developing countries benefits us all, including the UK.